1. 亚裔美国人对安全的错误认知:一些亚裔美国人可能在特朗普当选后感到安全,认为他的反移民言论不会针对他们。但信息强调,特朗普及其盟友不认为亚裔美国人是“真正的美国人”,因此亚裔也是潜在的目标。
2. 针对入籍公民和出生公民权:
• 特朗普的重要顾问斯蒂芬·米勒曾赞扬1924年的《排亚法案》,并表达了重新审视1965年允许亚裔移民法案的兴趣。
• 特朗普表示考虑使用**《敌国侨民法》**,这是二战期间为合理化日裔美国人集中营政策的法律依据。
• 特朗普曾设立“取消入籍办公室”,并已宣布计划通过行政命令终止出生公民权。
3. 白人至上主义和反亚裔言论:
• 特朗普及其核心圈子与白人至上主义者有联系,不再掩饰他们对白人至上主义的支持,认为亚裔美国人是“入侵者”。
• 在最近的集会上,特朗普称移民为“恶毒的暴力罪犯”和“内部的敌人”,并声称“他们会走进你的厨房割你的喉咙”,因为这是他们的“基因中的一部分”,还说“他们从亚洲来”。
• 特朗普的言论与希特勒对犹太人和移民的言辞相似,将他们称为“害虫”和“毒害国家血液”。
• 特朗普与白人至上主义者共进晚餐,公开支持劳拉·卢默(一名白人民族主义者),她曾发推称“如果卡玛拉赢了,白宫会闻起来像咖喱味”。
4. COVID期间对亚裔社区的影响:
• 特朗普将COVID称为“中国病毒”和“功夫流感”后,针对亚裔的犯罪事件显著增加,最具代表性的是亚特兰大发生的针对亚裔水疗中心的枪击案。
5. 特朗普的仇恨影响所有亚裔美国人:
• 例如,2017年,印度移民工程师斯里尼瓦斯·库奇布霍特拉在堪萨斯一家酒吧被枪杀,凶手大喊“滚出我们的国家”。
6. 如果特朗普当选,他也会对你和你的家人下手。
English version:
Trump Threat’s to the AAPI Community
• Some Asian-Americans assume that Trump is not a threat to them—that they and their families will be safe in the United States even if he wins. That when he attacks immigrant families, he is not talking about them.
o This is not the case. Trump and his people do not believe you are real Americans, and they will come after you too.
• If you think you and your children will be safe because you are naturalized citizens, or born in this country, think again.
o Top Trump immigration advisor Stephen Miller sent emails praising the 1924 Asian Exclusion Act, and calling for “revisiting” the 1965 INA that allowed Asian immigration to resume.
o Trump is promising to invoke the “Alien Enemies Act,” last used to intern Japanese Americans in camps during World War II.
o At the end of his term, Trump established an Office to Denaturalize Immigrants at the DOJ, which he plans to bring back.
o Trump has announced that he plans to end birthright citizenship by Executive Order. • Trump and his top advisors no longer try to hide that they are white supremacists, who see
Asian-Americans as invaders.
o At recent rallies, Trump has been calling immigrants “vicious violent criminals,” and
“the enemy within” who will “walk into your kitchen and cut your throat,” because
it’s “in their genes” and saying “they come in from Asia.”
o Trump’s rhetoric about Asians reflects Hitler’s rhetoric about Jews and immigrants
being “vermin” and “poisoning the blood of our country.”
o Trump dines with white supremacists.
o Trump proudly touts Laura Loomer as a supporter, a white nationalist who tweeted
saying “if Kamala wins, the White House will smell like curry.”
• Look at what happened to the Asian American community after he called COVID the
“Chinese Virus” and “Kung Flu.”
o Stats and news clips show increased crime against Asian-Americans after Trump’s
statements, including the horrific shooting in Atlanta targeting an Asian-American
• His hate affects all Asian Americans:
o For instance, in 2017 Indian immigrant engineer Srinivas Kuchibhotla was killed at a bar in Kansas, by a man who yelled “get out of our country.”
• If Trump wins, he is coming after you and your family too.