继往开来,引领前行 ---AALC成功举办2024年青年领导力峰会
汉纳记者林胥 (2024年5月26日)
首届AALC (Asian Americans Leadership Council,美国亚裔领袖委员会)青年领导力峰会于5月26日晚在德州休斯顿中华文化服务中心隆重举行。峰会在11岁的Alyssa Jiang 高唱美国国歌中拉开序幕。来自各族裔包括华裔,越南裔,印度裔,和非裔等150多名学生组织领导人, 才艺表演者以及他们的家长参与了峰会, 共同庆祝亚太裔传统月。峰会邀请了非裔青年官员Dextor McCoy, 印度裔青年领袖Taral Patel 和非裔资深妇女领袖Edna Griggs,国会议员Sheila Jackson Lee 选区主任Yuroba Harris 代表国会议员参加了活动, 并向AALC 主席罗玲女士(国会议员亚裔事务高级顾问)颁发了国会嘉奖状,表彰AALC 为具有 “杰出领导力的组织” 。
罗玲主席致开幕词,介绍了AALC的初衷、远景和计划,并回顾了2023年AALC在德州发起反SB147运动及领导211休斯顿千人大游行的经历。这次游行创下了美国亚裔维权史上记录,三位国会议员(Sheila Jackson Lee, Al Green, Lizzie Fletcher)和休斯顿市长 (Sylvester Turner) 与两位德州州议员(Gene Wu, Ron Reynolds)参与,并在集会上谴责德州议会参议员Kolkhorst禁止华人在德州购买土地和房地产恶法企图。最终,SB147法案在德州众议院被成功阻止。罗玲主席致辞中痛陈1882年排华法案至今阴魂不散,并继续祸害华裔。其中的部分原因是朝中无人,在美国政界缺乏亚裔领袖。她热情激励亚裔青年学子学习了解亚裔历史,积极参政议政,并现场与学生领袖们热烈互动。罗玲主席风趣地鼓励将来想参政的学生举手宣示, 欣喜发现至少6名学生举手表达了将来要参选的意愿。这两年来, AALC还组织了很多其它社区活动, 其中有: 在2023年8月福遍郡返校日免费派送500个书包,组织华裔才艺学生参加国会议员举办了30年的传统文化活动“Toys for Kids”,以及积极投身公民参与活动(选民登记和拜票)。在全体参与义工和选民的共同努力下,2023年华裔投票率比上一届休斯顿市长选举翻了三倍,再次创造了华人投票的历史。罗玲主席的演讲回顾历史,正视现在,展望未来,对青年们寄予厚望。演讲结束,获得了热烈的掌声,会场气氛达到高潮。
AALC副主席颜耀阳博士从佛州赶来, 代表理事会发言,称赞罗玲主席近20年对亚太裔社区的卓越贡献,并展示了白宫总统高级顾问Anna 对罗玲的高度评价: “她是一个万里挑一的人,一个以身作则的人。她花了大量时间去带动那些经常被忽视的人……” 。罗玲主席为推动亚裔参政议政做出的突出贡献, 受到了美国政界的肯定, 先后受到了克林顿总统,奥巴马总统和拜登总统的接见。在2023和2024两年中罗玲主席多次受到美国总统拜登邀请, 先后参加了白宫春节招待会,庆祝亚太裔传统月活动,APEC 峰会,财政部经济峰会和商务部峰会等活动,使华人在这些重要活动中有了代表性。颜博士鼓励青年学生以罗玲主席为榜样, 积极参加公民活动,争取成为美国未来的领导者。最年轻的非裔福遍郡第四选区区长Dextor McCoy分享了他参选初期遭遇劝退的经历,激励年轻学子勇于探索、积极参政。印度裔青年领袖Taral Patel是前任福遍郡郡长幕僚长,现竞选福遍郡第三选区区长。他感谢自己的导师罗玲主席推荐义工高中学生进入竞选总部实习。
在颁奖环节, 国会议员希拉选区主任代表国会议员向罗玲主席颁发了表彰AALC“杰出领导力“ 和”青年领导力峰会“两项嘉奖,称赞AALC “成为了启发青年领袖的重要灯塔,为他们提供了公民参与的重要性见解,并赋予他们成为有影响力的领袖所需的知识和技能,体现了美国精神……” 。罗玲主席代表国会议员希拉向长期坚持参与AALC 组织的公益和公民参与活动, 并成长起来的学生领袖们颁发了国会 “杰出公民参与奖”,并向 积极参与活动的家长以及为推动华人投票作出了突出贡献的代表颁发了国会”杰出社区贡献奖“。获奖学生代表以及获奖家长代表分别发表了精彩的演讲, 感谢AALC平台提供的学习公民参与和参政议政的机会, 感恩罗玲主席不辞辛苦为数位高中毕业生升大学以及获取各类奖学金写推荐信,安排学生进入国会办公室实习等等。来自休斯顿各中学的学生组织负责人纷纷发言介绍自己组织的公益活动,AALC也向这些优秀组织颁发了嘉奖。
获得国会嘉奖状的峰会主持人:Daniel Pan, Aglaia Hong
11岁的Alyssa Jiang 唱响美国国歌, 为青年峰会拉开序幕
天使之地组织的会长资深妇女领袖Edna Griggs 致辞,呼吁学生们积极参政议政
中华文化服务中心负责选民事务的Ruei Tuo发言提醒大家参与复选投票,指出投票率太低的现象。
获得国会“杰出社区贡献奖”的优秀家长代表胡新发言。胡新代表获得国会议员“杰出公民参与奖”的儿子Ben Who 赞赏AALC 平台的重要性,感谢罗玲主席的推荐信为Ben Who考取哈佛和获得多个国家级奖学金(Bank of America, Coca Cola, CAST) 发挥了令其脱颖而出的关键作用。Ben Who 在国会议员希拉市长竞选总部高级顾问罗玲主席专门设立的亚裔青年行动队担任负责人,积极推动其他同学参与助选,发挥 了领导才华。此次Ben Who因参加毕业典礼无法返回休斯顿缺席AALC 青年峰会而请父亲代为感谢。
获得国会“杰出公民参与奖”的学生代表Ellen Li 发表讲话,感谢AALC 提供的平台,让自己从中学到了竞选的全部要素,锻炼了自己的参政意识。
获得国会“杰出公民参与奖”的Cathy Sui 发言感恩AALC 罗玲主席为她和同学们提供了重要平台,并为她写推荐信,于激烈竞争中脱颖而出赢得在花旗银行实习的机会。
四位坚持助选大半年积极参与AALC 组织的所有活动从不缺席的高中九年级学生Aglaia Hong, Daniel Pan 和十一年级学生Ellen Li, Cathy Sui 获得国会议员Sheila Jackson Lee 嘉奖并颁发“杰出公民参与奖”。
罗玲代表国会议员Sheila Jackson Lee 嘉奖并颁发”杰出社区贡献奖“给胡新,Josephine Li, Chen Chen, Zhuo Chen, Lynn Liu。表彰家长们与孩子将助选当作亲子活动的重要科目。以身作则,为同台获奖的高中孩子们做出了极大榜样。尤其是Josephhine Li 在初选早期投票阶段和选举日,陪同罗玲主席,不辞辛苦,起早贪黑去各处老人中心开车接送选民投票,两人每天坚持不懈的努力,为投票站送去了近三份之一宝贵的华人选票。
多才多艺的小学女孩们Alyssa 和Seika 演唱了英文歌曲。9年级女孩Aglaia 表演了美丽的傣族舞。泰裔女孩Chanya演奏钢琴独奏。
小提琴演奏者分别为Catherine Xu 和Julian Lee。
弦乐二重奏表演者Lulu Wang, Etha Chen.
萨克斯风五重奏演奏者为Alex Dai, Langdon Dai, Alex Gu, Kongstanine Sinyak, Chen Wang.
管乐队演奏者为Chen Wang, Marc Lu, Ares Zhou, Lulu Wang, Steven Xu, Ethan Chen, Roy Zheng, Ethan Liao, and Aoyu Jin.
少林小子Austin Byun和 Ryan Haoran Shen 演绎了精彩的少林功夫,贝丹青老师表演了太极扇,绚丽夺目,罗玲主席与沈健合练双人武当太极剑,尽显女侠仗剑走天涯的风采。
参与筹备AALC 峰会的志愿者联合校友会会长江岳先生(中)与搭档张磊为青年峰会辛勤付出。dangdang 组织和协调峰会义工们,筹备小组主要负责人胡新和Josephine 为保证峰会顺利召开做出了贡献。
附 罗玲主席英文发言稿:Speech for the 2024 AALC Youth Leadership Summit
--In Celebrating AANHPI Heritage Month
Dear distinguished guests, community leaders, our inspiring young leaders, ladies and gentlemen, good evening!
Thank you for coming to the 2024 AALC Youth Leadership Summit!
As we gather here today to celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month, we honor not only the rich cultural tapestry of our communities but also the remarkable resilience and activism that define our shared journey. This Youth Leadership Summit, organized by the Asian Americans Leadership Council (AALC), stands as a testament to our commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders who will continue to advocate for justice, equality, and inclusion.
AANHPI Heritage Month is a time to reflect on and celebrate the diverse histories, cultures, and contributions of the AANHPI communities in America. It is also a moment to recognize the ongoing challenges we face and the collective strength we possess to overcome them.
The Asian Americans Leadership Council (AACL) is a 501c4 nonprofit and nonpartisan organization, dedicated to educating and nurturing leaders in civic engagement. Our mission is to: Educate, Serve and Lead the AAPI communities in civic engagement and public service. Since the founding of AALC in 2018, our leaders have long been engaged in civic activities.
The year 2023 marked a turning point for our organization and the AAPI community. This year, we commemorate a significant milestone in our community’s history. In response to the discriminatory TX SB147 bill, which sought to ban land purchases by AAPI individuals, the AALC led the charge in organizing the largest protest in Asian American history in Texas. Over 1,000 members of our community took to the streets of Chinatown in Houston on February 11, 2023, united in our demand for justice and equality.
We were joined and supported by some of the most influential leaders who have long stood by our side: Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee and Lizzy Fletcher, Congressman Al Green, Mayor Sylvester Turner, State Representative Gene Wu, and City Council Member Alice Chen. Their presence and leadership were instrumental in amplifying our voices and highlighting the urgency of our cause.
Historically, Chinese Americans were labeled as "yellow perils," and Congress passed the "Chinese Exclusion Act" in 1882. Ever since, Chinese and Asian Americans have been fighting for justice and striving for civic engagement. From building the transcontinental railroad to making significant scientific contributions, our community has faced the persistent challenge of the "bamboo ceiling." During the COVID-19 pandemic, former President Trump exacerbated anti-Asian sentiment by using terms like "China flu" and "Kung flu." In 2023, a new wave of anti-AAPI bills emerged in many states, targeting Chinese Americans from owning property in America. Our American dreams are under threat.
History was repeated in 2023 by multiple discriminatory bills authored by our senators and state representatives. Our historic protest was not just a march; it was a powerful statement. It marked a turning point in the mindset of the AAPI community, igniting a spirit of activism and empowerment. We stood up, spoke out, and fought back against injustice, demonstrating that we will not be silent in the face of discrimination. This collective action has reshaped our community’s narrative and reinforced our commitment to safeguarding our rights and dignity.
Leading this protest made it clear that the lack of AAPI representation in the state legislature has been a significant barrier to our community living peaceful and prosperous lives. As a so-called model minority, our community has often been targeted by racism and discrimination. Recognizing these challenges, the Asian Americans Leadership Council is committed to leading the charge once again. We aim to nurture our younger generations, from high school to college, to develop their leadership skills and bring them into the real battleground to fight for the beacon of democracy.
To achieve this, we are establishing the "Youth Leadership Initiative" program. This program will cultivate and educate young leaders through the AALC's incubator and platform. We plan to build a pipeline by selecting outstanding youth leaders based on their community service involvement and contributions to society through the leadership platform of AALC. These candidates will have the opportunity to intern and shadow officials at various levels of government, gaining firsthand experience in civic engagement and leadership.
Today, as we celebrate AANHPI Heritage Month, we also pass the torch to you, our young leaders. You are the future of our community, and your voices and actions will shape the path ahead. Remember the strength and unity displayed in our protest TX SB147. Let it inspire you to remain vigilant and proactive in the face of injustice.
Celebrating AAPI Heritage Month is a time to honor not only our rich cultural heritage but also the incredible contributions of our AAPI youth action team for your tremendous efforts during the mayoral campaign last year. You have knocked on thousands of doors and made thousands of phone calls. With the support of our senior voters, we tripled the number of Chinese voters compared to the last election cycle. This is a monumental achievement and a testament to your dedication and perseverance.
I firmly believe that with our unified effort, many of you will become wonderful leaders in high schools, in colleges, and in future careers. You can run for any position you desire. Why should your neighbor someday become a national leader and not you? I envision seeing more of you rise to become judges, city council members, congresspeople, senators, and even Presidents. You are already leaders of your organizations; you all have the potential to become a prominent leader in every walk of your life by working hard, working smart and working right.
Today, we are here to celebrate the recognition by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and we also recognize your achievements through the Asian Americans Leadership Council. Your dedication and hard work exemplify the spirit of leadership and community service that we hold dear.
We plant seeds in the hearts of more young people, emphasizing that your volunteerism in civic engagement is about much more than accumulating credit for college applications. Your efforts are already making a significant impact on society and helping to change the world.
But our work does not stop here. Let’s get involved in many other campaigns, especially the upcoming presidential campaign. This may be our last campaign in democracy, our country is in danger. Our future is in our hands. We need elect the right leadership up and down the ballot that represents our community interests, from county commissioner to member of congress, from senator to president. Let’s volunteer in all campaigns, use this opportunity to practice and hone your campaign skills, preparing yourselves for your future endeavors, including running for office. AALC will provide platform and strategy training opportunities.
Your leadership is crucial in continuing the fight for equality. Engage with your communities, educate yourselves and others about our history, and be fearless in advocating for what is right. The AALC is committed to supporting you in this journey, providing the tools and platforms necessary for your growth as leaders. Be confident, be patient, be brave, be trailblazers, and ultimately, be the leaders you are meant to be!
In closing, let us honor the legacy of those who have paved the way for us, and let us celebrate the promise of our future leaders who will carry our legacy forward. Together, we will continue to stand up, speak out, and fight back against any injustice towards the AAPI community.
Thank you for being here and thank you for your commitment to making a difference. Let this Youth Leadership Summit be the start of many more victories for our community.
Ling Luo
Asian Americans Leadership Council (AALC)