作者:佚名No. This is not him wanting Putin to win.
This is REVENGE, pure and simple.He wants to destroy Zelenskyy, destroy Ukraine, and destroy every single Ukrainian on Earth.
WHY? Because he was totally humiliated, in front of the entire world, during his last administration.
Here he was President of the United States, and he could not extort this one little country to give him something SO simple. Something that would cost them nothing. Just "Dirt On Biden". That's all.
Instead he got NOTHING.
Worse, he got over-ruled by the Courts and by Congress here at home. He got exposed. He got repudiated. He got investigated.
Instead of earning Putin's admiration and respect, he looked like a total loser. He looked like a fool. Him, and his whole would-be mafia organization.
The picture everyone remembers most of the day of the January 6th insurrection is that ridiculous guy with the horns, howling like a puppy dog.
The picture they have the prosecution of the "stolen election", the Big Lie, is Rudy's dripping hair dye, and his clown car of lawyers, holding a presser in front of a landscape garage by mistake.
They remember his humiliating SECOND impeachment.
He ended his presidency a laughingstock. The butt of a million memes. Slinking away, with only his family and hirelings applauding him on the airport tarmac. Everyone else had gone to the Inauguration.
And all of it - ALL OF IT- was because Zelenskyy would not do him - the most powerful man in the world - a simple little favor.
And so, no. This is not about Putin. Not this time.
He is not handing Ukraine to Putin as a gift. He wants every last inch of Ukraine destroyed. He wants its people destroyed. He wants Putin to get only ashes.
He is even going after Ukrainian refugees here in America, to revoke their protected status, and deport them back to be destroyed as well.
He is not demanding that Russia return the thousands of Ukrainian children Russian forces kidnapped, either. He is fine with them being raised as Russians, and forgetting they ever were Ukrainian.
But before any of that happens, he wants to hold out a fake olive branch of hope to Zelenskyy. He wants Zelenskyy to grovel for it. To crawl to him for it. To humble himself on his knees and plead for mercy, in front of the entire world.
No, not the entire world. In front of the EUROPEAN world. He wants all of Europe to repent for their contempt of him, too. He wants them to fear for THEIR lives. For THEIR safety. He wants THEM to grovel to him, too.
And Canada.
He already has Australia's "respect". That is all that matters to him in the Pacific. China can do what it wants with the rest. Taiwan, South Korea, Japan - none of THOSE people really matter to him at all.
India is OK as long as they remember HE is the boss, and they all work for HIM. He is all about people knowing their place.
And Israel. Well, he has to take special care of Israel to keep his "beautiful Christians" happy. Until it is destroyed in the Apolcalypse. But he plans to get his Gaza resort built before that. And afterwards, that beautiful waterfront property will still be there, and he'll still own it.
As for South America and Africa, they don't fit into his plans at all. He certainly is not going to send them any more aid, whether it is money, food, or medicine. If another pandemic comes along, let it just "decrease the surplus population", as Scrooge once said. Smart man of business, that Scrooge. Too bad he got soft at the end.
Meanwhile, he is busy dismantling the American government that bucked him at every turn last time, for the new Corporate model of yes-men and party girls that will finally give HIM the obeisance he DESERVES.
And maybe then, Putin will respect him, too. If not, well, maybe he'll just get Pete to drop a bomb on him.
Why does he need Putin any more?